martes, 29 de enero de 2008


sometimes i think that life will never be the same
sometimes i think that's the answer.

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

weak constitution.

your heart is like a grave to be perfectly honest
your mouth's a smoking gun
and you smile while your twisting the knife in my stomach
until everything is gone
take all you can from me
i've got weak constitution
i'm led so easily
so easily.


the kid is alright, or at least he's trying.
in this case, i'm trying.

tonight i'm going to see my friends. my two very best friends in this moment. the two who were next to me even in my worst moments when i didn't want people around me. they stayed. they are always here. that's why i'm trying to change my mood.
because it's like [...]

so you think you've been through it all?
but i can't help but wonder now
yesterday i found my worst regret
i'll hide it away so no one ever knows
i'm dying, i'm trying to leave

Let me slip away, I'm barely holding on
Every now and then I feel the end of us.

anyway, this ends today. after listening the best words ever.
you can't live in the past, neither in the future. you just have to live the present (yeah it really took me this long to understand that).
lets try doing it.


viernes, 25 de enero de 2008

the click five.

estaba pensando y repensando;
leyendo unas cosas y escribiendo otras
& llegué a la conclusión..

de que no se por qué mis amigos son mis amigos.

qué habré hecho para lograr que esten conmigo, y que no se alejen.
no se.

se que no podría encontrar mejor gente en ningun otro lado.

(sísí, se me pasó el pseudo bajón que tenía; hora de cuestionamientos y cambios de punto de vista).

- i don't know if you want to know, but i am missing you.

a year.

A year. Can you believe it?
Who'd tell.

- [25.01.07-25.01.08]


something's missing
(& something's wrong with me).

Before it gets out of hand, take a break and spend some quiet time by yourself.

- i need you.

sábado, 19 de enero de 2008

lords of dogtown

It's time to expand your boundaries by demonstrating to others that their expectations of you are too limiting.

me olvidé lo que iba a decir.


porqe las noches asi re dan
y mas les vale que se repita
& todo. foreverrrrrrrr
todo re dio.
hoy todo re dio.

- (icecreamheadaches).

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

i wont go home without you

panorama 2956
the almost romance.

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

save the future

Next couple of weeks may be filled with more joyful activities than you expect. But paradoxically, spontaneity can now require careful planning and hard work that should pay off later. Don't take any frustration out on others by being too critical. Your laser-sharp delivery can hurt someone with the truth even if your actions are motivated by well-intentioned love.

You've got truckloads of energy, drive and determination at your disposal today. It's an excellent time for doing business, signing contracts, and anything related to legal affairs. An additional bonus: a recent conflict may finally be healed.


From yesterday
Although you might place more attention on playful activities, immediate pleasure may not be forthcoming. Even a simple romantic adventure could run into delays while you manage the logistics. Reality seems to get in the way of enjoyment just enough to make you realize what you are missing. Hang in there; you'll overcome the obstacles no matter how ponderous they seem now.

A confrontation with a loved one is possible today, and you may find yourself engaging in somewhat self-critical behavior. Don't. Today is the perfect day for greater understanding of yourself and others. Make this a time for spiritual realization rather than negative back talk.


- (no sense at all).



Mi foto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Figured on, not figuring myself out.