domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

still haven't figure it out.

i'm gonna try to do things right; & better.

On the other hand, more data probably won't change your mind. You already know what to do, so do it now.

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

things have changed

i need a change immediately. i can't keep like this. i wish i were different.

Reestablishing your grip on reality is your highest priority today, for you might have let things slip a bit in the past couple of days. But don't fall into your old routines just because they offer a high level of comfort. Try doing things in new ways. Seek different paths toward a familiar goal. Anything that demands your full attention can help bring you back to the here and now.

I'm the only one to blame.

i miss those long conversations, you know?
i guess they're right..., time changes.
i miss you.


She's got her jaws now locked down in a smile
But nothing is all right, all right.

- the best part of believe is the lie.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

It's time for us to take chance, it's time for us!

Things have changed for me, and that's okay
I feel the same, I'm on my way, and I say
Things have changed for me, and that's okay

Foto enviada por el ganador del concurso Panic at the disco con el siguiente texto:
"Mario escribo para agradecer a todos los que hicieron posible mi viaje a las vegas, a eduardo por haber sacado mi carta, a vos por la buena onda, a la gente de Warner (especialmente a Marcos y Carolina) a olmedo por bancarme durante el recital, y en general a todos los que hayan tenido algo que ver con esta promocion, la pase demasiado bien, saludos..."
Diego de Miguel.
P.D: Con respecto al recital fue impresionante, Panic es una banda que dice mucho mas en vivo de lo que uno podria juzgar a priori, y las bandas teloneras (Phantom Planet, The Hush Sound y Motion City Soundtrack) completaron un show de puta madre en un teatro que no se puede entender que este adentro de un casino.

recíen acabo de ver el mail que mandó. NO PUEDO CREER LA SUERTE QUE TIENEEE, las bandas que viooo, LAS BANDASSSSSS
sandukakudas motion city *hearts*, the hush souuund! ** phantom planeeet
y que sea tan agradecido el flaco ahbads se lo debe re merecer

y la foto. justo que quería subir de ellos. y que bien hablaron de ellos, & entrevistaron a brendon & ryan es el gracioso en el escenario
y tocaron en el mismo lugar que yellowcard el año pasado
y digo mucho 'y', whatever. yy no se. colapso. me voy a actualizar el blog e.e

sábado, 14 de junio de 2008

a thousand faces we'll choose to ignore

¿te acordás cuando todavía te importaba el mundo? (y por mundo me refiero a la gente que lo habita).
cuando ibas en auto y mirabas por la ventanilla; buscabas gente e imaginabas que estarían pensando.
& como hace poco tiempo te recordaron que ya no lo haces. que ahora esquivas todas las miradas, evitas a la gente. cómo ya no te importa lo que pase a tu alrededor (que egoísta se puede llegar a ser), pero te importa lo que pasa en el mundo. bastante contradictorio (para variar, siempre lo mismo con vos). que triste cuando pasa eso. que triste cuando te lo hacen ver.

i dont want to be

Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world. Maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you.

Someone trying to find their way.
Someone trying to find their place.
Someone trying to find their self.

Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied or barley getting by... but that feeling’s a lie. And if you just hold on just find the courage to face it all for another day someone, or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there... and that someone will find you.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008


returning can take you to pieces.
but home is an idea, not a place.

te voy a citar el resto de mis días silly boy youre just dying to be tragic.


James Hugh Calum Laurie, 49 years.
bskjdads freaking genius ♥ (you DO have side-effects).



you make my day ♥

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

keep it like that

It changes who you are. Alters your molecules. And one day you wake up, and you look in the mirror... and you don't recognise you anymore. Because you believed them. They win, you lose. You wanna cry 'please leave me alone' but nobody's listening. Because nobody cares.



Mi foto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Figured on, not figuring myself out.