...decía una nota periodística.

you can count on that!
por si no llego a actualizar esta tarde. nada mejor que terminar el año con Delpo.
Me siento olvidado, es lo que más me duele, el olvido, como la gente sigue adelante con facilidad y yo me quedo estancado pensando......lo que a mi me costó meses intentar expresar, unsuccessfully aparentemente.
The smell of coffee takes me back to the feel of cold linolem beneath my toes, my mother at the kitchen counter in her bathrobe and slippers. It takes me to all those late nights in school, to cafe study groups & my younger, more idealistic self. It takes me to that place in Milan, where you told me my smile was like sunshine, where the espresso was as rich and lovely as anything I have ever tasted. that time we played hearts until dawn, the coffee maker casting its warm glow in the dark of our own little kitchen. That time we went to Paris. That time..
its strange when you are sitting with someone and realize your proximity to the way they are pressing the direction of history one way or the othercomo no podía ser de otra manera, eso lo tomé prestado de Wentz; o más bien de un viejo e-mail que me mandé para no olvidarlo (menos mal que lo hice, porque ahora a Peter se le ocurrió no hacer público su blog *cries*). no se si se pueda aplicar en este momento, tal vez sea algo similar? o no, pero me gustó.
You have to believe that life is more than the sum of its parts, kiddo.
Do not look back, and grieve over the past, for it is gone. And do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
life is more than alright when you let yourself know it. theres not a hole in your head or your heart if you dont want there to be. its funny how people get nostalgic for the worst times in your life. people sometimes seem to miss the person i was when i was just in a self hating haze or fantasize that i miss or should miss someone who made me feel as worthwhile as a pile of dirt and spent their entire life decieving me. thanks to my friends who have let me grow into something new. i am listening to blues. i am having great conversations with friends. i am writing. i am walking the dog. i lying in the sun. i am riding a motorcycle. i am lauging. i am being in love.
posted by xo at 10:28 PM
Everything happens for a reason.
El día del entierro comprendí por qué en las películas los funerales se filman siempre con lluvia. En el cementerio donde lo enterraron los pájaros cantaban, había flores, el césped brillaba. Comprendí que la luz del sol es despiadada, son las sombras las que nos protegen.
Don't give her everything that you've got to live(demasiado tiempo sin escucharlos).
If you wanna keep the girl for as long as you live
Just breaking apart her heart
Si no aprobaste la nivelación de Matemática, no podés cursar materias del primer cuatrimestre en tu carrera.
No te olvides de anotarte para cursar el remedial de Matemática.
Jugarse a pleno por sus ideas hasta las últimas consecuencias.