Thursday, June 14th, 2007
You are being influenced by others to follow a certain professional path, but your feelings may not be on board with where you are going. You may have a strong need that isn't being fulfilled and your tendency is to keep it to yourself. Don't let your inner conflict show on the surface yet. It won't serve any purpose to share your deepest feelings now.
Friday, June 15th, 2007
A long-lost friend could resurface in the days ahead, for Mercury is retrograde in your social 11th House. You may receive invitations for parties, yet you might not want to deal with the anxiety that comes along with these kinds of gatherings. Don't turn into a total recluse; getting out and socializing with peers can make you feel better about yourself.
Daily Number: 1
You may have a tendency to be a bit hard-headed and stubborn today; caution yourself against engaging in domestic squabbles. You have all the self confidence you need at your disposal. Much to your delight, others won't hesitate to show you their support.
- she's amazing.
Cosas que no puedo evitar hacer una y otra vez
Hace 5 años