You could feel an urge to clean up your immediate environment and get rid of things that no longer have a purpose. It's a great day for problem solving and behind the scenes progress. Also a time for thanks; someone in your world is quietly in your corner.
It's an unusual combination now with authoritative Saturn turning things serious as it moves through your sign at the same time as fiery Mars, which is heating up your social 11th House. It's likely you will be more interested in hanging out with friends and associates who are interested in supporting you with your long-term goals. Let frivolous friendships fall away while nurturing those that truly matter.
water grey through the windows, up the stairs chilling rain, like an ocean everywhere. don't want to reach for me do you, i mean nothing to you, the little things give you away; and now there will be no mistaking, the levies are breaking. all you've ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you, and six feet underwater, i do. hope decays, generations disappear, washed away, as a nation simply stares.
you won't break me down. not now. say whatever you want, you just give me more strenght to move one, and try to do what i really want. i will leave this town, with or without you. i don't need your help for this. & i can't believe you said something like that again! you know exactly the way i react to those things. stop mentioning him!
i'm strong on the surface, not all the way through. i've never been perfect, but neither have you. so if you're asking me, i want you to know...
when my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done, help me leave behind some reasons to be missed. don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest.
forgetting, all the hurt inside you learned to hide so well.
pretending, someone else can come and save me from myself.
i can't be who you are. i can't be who you are.
i want to erase my past & all the memories. everything that reminds me of something (or someone) in this stupid town. i wanna love, i wanna leave.
the past is only the future with the light on, right? at least that's what they say. well then, the future sucks.
- leave out all the rest.
Cosas que no puedo evitar hacer una y otra vez
Hace 5 años