im back, back in town, and everything has changed. i feel, feel left out, the faces stay the same. i see, see shadows of who we used to be.
when we were only kids, and we were best of friends, and we hoped for the best, and let go of the rest.
i heard, heard myself say things i take back. if i could, could re-tell and make these stories last. i see, see shadows of who we'll always be.
everything has changed, (everything has changed). the faces stay the same, (faces stay the same).
when we were only kids, and our time couldn't end, and how tall did we stand, with the world in our hands.
don't waste energy questioning what's possible. [...] move faster through any insecurities or fears.
oki doki, as you said so.
new job, more work, more responsabilities, that's just what i need to keep me busy & stay away from troubles or any drama. i don't need it right now. not now, that everything's going just fine.
so... goodbye.
¿por que los sigo extrañando? ese creo que es el mayor arrepentimiento. al menos hasta el momento.
y todos avanzan. siento que me estanque. hice cosas y sin embargo, sigo pensando lo mismo. pasan cosas, y pareciera que no. dejo el pasado atras, y siento que me persigue.
sólo que ahora vuelvo un poco al pasado, pero solo para avanzar mas rapido y dejarlo bien atras.
porque todo va a estar bien. todo esta bien (hasta que este mal). pero por el momento no es asi.
Cosas que no puedo evitar hacer una y otra vez
Hace 5 años