lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

Through it all, I made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall,
But I mean these words.

me arrepiento de todo. puedo ser TAN imbécil. igual ya es tarde. ¿no?

You may be losing the self-confidence battle now as you remember all those times in your life when your actions fell short of someone's expectations. But instead of obsessing over past failures or disappointments, think about how you can focus your energy now and overcome an obstacle instead of just giving up. If you are having trouble changing your attitude, don't be afraid to ask your friends for the help you need.
maldita necesidad de leer el horóscopo a diario.

iba a poner una canción... mejor no la pongo nada.



Mi foto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Figured on, not figuring myself out.