miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007


Daily Number: 8
It's a good day for taking care of any sort of business, as long as you remain flexible. Changes are on order for the day. Be careful to exercise sensitivity in romantic relationships; you may miss a tempting opportunity if you're emotionally unaware.

Daily Horoscope:
You can breathe deeper now, for you have already pushed through the most difficult obstacles. You may currently be facing another annoyance as you try to find a balance between what you want and what you are willing to pay for it. Although it's hard to feel relaxed when something is so up in the air, no decision is required today. Accept the paradox and it will resolve quickly.

por qué seré tan fanática del horóscopo?
ni que me diera buenas noticias todo el tiempo (?)

mañana viajee
stomp out this disaster town

you're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big.
ultimamente todos me fastidian. voy al cole, y no quiero hacer nada mas que escuchar música, no quiero escuchar a nadie, porque es para drama.
me gusta leer cosas para ponerme mal
que imbécil.

la música vuelve a ponerme de buen humor again (:
casi todas las canciones.
no dejan de tener ese segundo significado que tuvieron por un corto período, pero anyway.. hay que seguir.
& redescubro otras canciones más, que tenía olvidadas en algun lugarcito de mi memoria (?)

que estoy bien.

mejor que antes
& nadie sabe de este lugar.
o casi nadie.
whatever, i don't care.

- this desperation leaves me overjoyed.-



Mi foto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Figured on, not figuring myself out.